West Bandung districts (Kabupaten Bandung Barat/KBB) is one of a new local government in Wes Java Province resulted from Bandung districts were splits in 2007. Citizens were started to initiate since 1999 because of some political part on behalf of administrative dispersion and improving publc service provisions. This study want to determine the effects of KBB regional development after splitting from Bandung districts that  concerned in economic development, and  public services provisions.

This study will be divided into two parts, part one will determine of KBB’s development, and part two will determine the comparison between KBB and Bandung districts. The research method used in this study is a descriptive analysis of secondary data through the publication of statistics. The impact of territorial splits assessed from various indicators of regional development in 2004 until 2010. For explaining the trend of development in data acquisition, this study also completed from interviews with relevant actors in order to identified efforts of local governments made to accelerate the achievement of welfare goals.

The results of this study indicate that in general, territorial splits in KBB has not make a positive impact on regional development in 2007-2010. Regional economic growth as measured by the GDP, a public welfare reviewed on IPM and income per capita, and local government financial performance through revenues increased and PAD were conclude the moderate increased in each year occurred equal as same as the development before the proliferation. In terms of public services, provision of infrastructure and services of education tend to decline after the proliferation, while health care was considered quite improved through the addition of infrastructure provision. When compared to its parent district, KBB is generally considered to have not been able to compete, especially in the field of economy and public services. KBB’s regional developments after proliferation has not shown the better conditions as it aims to improve welfare objectives, services, and regional competitiveness.

Keywords: local revenues, public services, public welfares, regional development, regional economics, territorial   splits


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